How Has Social Media Changed Our Lives

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How Has Social Media Changed Our Lives – Social media has changed the way we live and it will affect your health 5 ways you can use social media to your advantage.

According to Statista, as of 2019, the average daily use of social media by Internet users in the United States is two hours and 53 minutes. Now, if you don’t think that amount is bad – I don’t blame you. When I see “up to 3 hours” a day, I don’t think it’s too much. But when I started to see, and I thought what would happen if I spent 3 hours a day doing something else – it became too much time. What if instead of spending my time mindlessly scrolling Instagram every day, I started writing the book I always wanted to write? Or learn a new language or develop a new hobby?

How Has Social Media Changed Our Lives

How Has Social Media Changed Our Lives

You may be thinking, “Yes, I can do all of the above, but I don’t see a problem with posting on social media. I get inspired by that and connect with my friends.” So I would like to invite you to decide if social media is not really affecting your mind and heart. And the reason for this invitation is because social anxiety is real and is a mental illness that is similar to social anxiety. In fact, anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States, increasing 52% since 2017. Researchers have found that obsessive use of social media leads to more anxiety. In fact, they have found that excessive Internet use can lead to depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, mental health problems, negative emotions, and loneliness.

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And all of the above is caused by more than just the desire to share things with others, it is about how you compare your life to others you see on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Many people see someone on Instagram who has a good job, travels a lot, has a wife or partner, and has a beautiful home, and they are happy for them. But, others may feel jealous, depressed, or suicidal about their lives if their lives are not as “perfect” as the ones they see on social media.

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Communication has changed our way of life. By how we receive news we interact with our loved ones. Advertising is everywhere and we are all slowly becoming addicted. Even if it’s down to our Instagram that doesn’t have to end or post pictures of all the food before eating, social media has an impact on our brain. So below I’m sharing 5 ways social media can be negatively affecting your brain without you even realizing it, and what you can do to change it:

We need to be more aware of how we use social media. We never took the car keys and started driving without any problems. Or when you do, the goal is to relax or feel inspired. But when you reach that goal, you don’t walk and come home. How many times have you picked up your phone and opened Instagram without any intention and immediately started scrolling without thinking? Well, that’s when social comparisons (unconscious) happen and we put our health at risk. It is difficult for us to be truly happy if we constantly involve ourselves with other people’s lives and worry about how we compare to the people around us. When we place our sense of value on how we act in relationships with others, we place our happiness on variables that are completely out of our control.

What you can do: Make a list of 5-10 things you want to learn/achieve from social media. For example, find a way of thinking that works for you, or learn how to do things better, or how to write a book. After you have created your list, follow the accounts that fit the topic you have chosen and do not follow the ones that do not teach you anything or add value to your life. We need to be intentional about social media and use it to learn things that we always wanted to learn but “never had time for” before. After all, it is our daily habits that show results.

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When we start valuing our lives based on what other people have and do, we give up the power to create our own happiness—we lose control of our lives on some level. We all know that social comparisons can be very harmful to our personality and health, so it is important to take the time to show that comparing you personal to others on social media happens in your daily life.

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What you can do: practice gratitude. As simple and cliché as it sounds, being grateful for what you already have is powerful and effective in improving your health. For each social media “session,” set aside 10 minutes to create a list of 10-15 things you are grateful for. You may have access to water while flushing the toilet or brushing your teeth, your health, your family, or whatever you do for yourself that day. As the American writer Melody Beatty once wrote:

“Gratitude is open to all life. We seem to have enough, and more. Refusal to accept, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. The cantorna ballintoa banquet, the house in the house , a different friend.” Advertising is addictive

How Has Social Media Changed Our Lives

Deep down we all feel like we should spend less time on social media, but for some reason it’s hard to do. This is because social media is addictive, just like, for example, gambling is. It’s the same neurochemistry that keeps us coming back for more and more crap and keeps gamblers emptying their wallets into slot machines.

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What you can do: Make it as difficult as possible to access the relationship between your phone and computer. Turn off notifications and sign out of all your accounts so you have to enter your email and password every time you want to check Facebook (good luck). If you have a smartphone, drag all the social media apps to the last screen or create a folder and keep all the apps there. Don’t even name the folder.

If you sleep with your phone next to your bed, your sleep needs improvement. We all know that getting enough sleep is essential to our health and happiness. However, not only the light from our devices keeps our brain alert, but being bombarded with content on social media right before bed can stimulate our brain and prevent us from sleeping well and truly.

What you can do: As our dear Ariana says, take your phone out of the bedroom before you go to bed. If you use your phone as an alarm, you can turn up the volume so you can hear it when it rings, or just go old school and buy a proper alarm – it’s worth it. If it’s too big for you to take your phone with you to the bedroom, put it out of reach. Finally, you want to avoid looking at your phone while you’re awake and doing anything that slows your brain down.

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How many times have you traveled somewhere or spent the day in a different area and posted on social media hoping that someone you know is there instead of calling directly and asking if they want to meet up? Well, I admit, I’ve done it a few times. In recent years, the amount of time we devote to screen time has been matched by a decrease in the amount of time we devote to nurturing and maintaining our relationships. self

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What you can do: The next time you’re on social media, go to your contacts or messages and call a friend or family member for approval or a quick check. Trust me, the happiness you get from interacting with other people is more than posting on social media. This is how the media changes the textures and patterns of social life. As social media began to spread, one could see how the creation of printed matter changed beliefs and groups. Also, because of the ability to share information, you begin to see cultural convergence. However, the growth of technology and the integration of people will only grow with the use of technology, “the greater sharing of information and communication , leading to a demand for more balanced roles and capabilities in local, national, and international arenas” (p. 61). With the advent of mass media such as radio, television and social media, many relationships are forced to change. when

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