Idtech Scholarships

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Idtech Scholarships – WASHINGTON, June 18, 2020 // – iD Tech, a global leader in STEM education, today announced a partnership with Salesforce to launch Coding Our Future, a new initiative that will bring together summer science, technology, engineering and math students. Technical minorities.

Through Voting Our Future, 150 underserved students in Washington, DC will receive full scholarships to attend iD Tech’s Virtual Tech Camps. Students will master Trailhead, Salesforce’s free learning platform, and practical courses in Java, C++, 3D game design, YouTube animation, Python, and machine learning that will help them prepare for the future of work.

Idtech Scholarships

Idtech Scholarships

The goal of Voting Our Future is to introduce students, especially minority and underrepresented students, to the world of STEM as a career path. and interest in a variety of subjects, including technology, as well as setting students up for future academic and professional success. iD Tech provides students with a path to STEM readiness for the future. In fact, 97% of iD Tech students go on to a four-year college and 90% of students study STEM. Even stronger, 90% of students said iD Tech impacted their long-term goals.

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Of the many inequalities exposed by the COVID-19 crisis, the digital divide is the most obvious. The epidemic disproportionately affects students who do not have access to the technology necessary for distance learning. Voting Our Future aims to help bridge the educational divide by providing scholarship students with laptops and home Internet access. To measure its impact and reach out to potential students for scholarships, the Voting for Our Future Black Student Fund will also partner with organizations such as the DMV National Society of Black Engineers, Jr. Chapter, and Howard University’s Middle School of Mathematics and Science.

“We see our partnership with Salesforce and our Voting for the Future initiative as a transformative solution to diversifying the tech industry,” said ID Tech CEO Pete Ingram-Cauchy. “All students should have access to a quality STEM education, and with Salesforce, we’re confident we can help provide students with the tools to explore STEM careers and help grow the industry’s talent pipeline.”

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“As we build the economy of the future, it’s imperative that we include today’s students,” said Leah McGowan-Hare, VP of Trailblazer Community and Trailhead Evangelism at Salesforce. “Salesforce is committed to working with organizations like iD Tech to empower students from all backgrounds to launch meaningful careers in STEM.”

The iD Tech Virtual Tech Camps program runs from July 27-August 14, 2020. Students are encouraged to apply before June 30, 2020. To learn more, please visit

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ID Tech is a world leader in STEM education and believes that all students deserve a quality technology education. Since its founding in 1999, the family-owned company has served more than 500,000 students and donated more than $5 million in life-changing educational experiences to underrepresented communities. At their Tech Camps, students from around the world are developing their STEM skills, learning from the best professors, collaborating with peers and building confidence, all online from home. For more information, visit

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Abraham was one of 24 students who received a scholarship to attend weekly summer training courses held by iD Tech on topics ranging from robotics and coding to video production.

Idtech Scholarships

“It was a really good experience,” said Abraham, who learned to code with wearable technology at the camp. “I come from a low-income background, so it was difficult for my family without the scholarship.”

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Many of the scholarship recipients attended the first Alexa Cafe Girls session at UC San Diego. According to iD Tech, women account for 24 percent of STEM jobs, and the company aims to change that ratio.

Abraham agrees that Alexa Cafe fills an important need – empowering young women to consider STEM careers. “The teachers made us feel like we could be women leaders in STEM,” she said. “I think that’s good — especially for young girls who may not have the same motivation in STEM as boys.”

ID Tech is a global industry leader in providing STEM summer camps to students ages 7 to 18. For over 20 years, the company has helped pave the way for STEM education, delivering relevant curriculum to engage students. Their ways of developing over a long period of time. Term skills. . Instead of staying home during spring break April 11 – 15, five lucky Santa Clara Unified School District (SCUSD) students participating in the Immigrant Education Program (MEP) received scholarships to attend the iD Tech Day Camp. Computers planned at Don Callejon Elementary School.

“Computer camp scholarships are really important because our immigrant students often don’t have those opportunities. Their parents can’t pay for camp, any kind of camp,” said Beatrice Martinez, SCUSD’s MEP liaison (bmartinez

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Our Social Impact Initiatives

SCUSD has about 250 MEP students, and Martinez knows them all. He visits their families to determine their eligibility for the MEP program, and provides them with advice and support throughout the year. Also, she advises students on scholarships for their favorite camp. SCUSD is part of MEP’s Santa Clara County Office of Education, Region 1 (

Children under the age of 22 are eligible for the MEP program if their parents, guardians or spouses – or even themselves – are migrant workers or fishermen, and have had to move or change schools in the past 36 months.

At the iD Tech Computer Camp, MEP students learned to program and solve engineering problems by creating computer games and building robots with youth technical instructors hired by iD Tech from across the country.

Idtech Scholarships

“I like it because I’m learning about robots, building robots. It has a motor and you can program it on the computer,” said Fryda, a 7th grader at Peterson Middle School who, along with her brother Johan, a 4th grader Went to the camp. at Braley Primary School. They have a computer at home, but it doesn’t work.

Education And Scholarships Programs

Miguel, a Peterson 8th grader, was “enjoying” designing computer games. Her brother and sister – Joveny, a Peterson 7th grader and Valerie, a Ponderosa Elementary 4th grader – were also at computer camp. Valerie was creating a “female superhero” who would “protect the Earth from asteroids.” The family shares one computer at home.

The Immigrant Education Program was authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and reauthorized in 2001 by the No Child Left Behind Act. A 2001 law requires states to close achievement gaps by providing all children with access to high-quality education. MEPs, funded by federal grants to state education agencies, establish or improve existing educational programs for immigrant children.

“For more than a decade, we’ve sent dozens of Immigrant Education Program students to our [computer] camps,” said Karen Therm Safran, iD Tech’s vice president of strategic partnerships. “This one

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